The Numbered Houses

A Note from Current Residents:
New House is a home, and the people within it become a second family. From cooking to Nerf wars and dance-offs, everyone in New House comes together to make something that is one of a kind. New House isn’t a building; New House is the people that live and thrive inside it.
Dining Info
• Many students form cooking groups with friends or simply with people that have similar eating schedules.
• Some choose to cook independently.
• Some also choose to have a meal plan. While New House does not have a dining hall, Next House, which does have a dining hall, is only 100 feet away.
New House
471-476 Memorial Drive
Building W70
Cambridge, MA 02139
Tel. (617) 253-6561
For Information about The Numbered Houses, please visit resident-managed websites listed below. Questions about the community may be directed to Lawson Kosulic via email.