The Numbered Houses

Front entrance of brick building with windows along the front, greenery in the foreground with New House sign at the bottom right corner, blue skies in the background.

Welcome to The Numbered Houses

    A Note from Current Residents: 

    New House is a home, and the people within it become a second family. From cooking to Nerf wars and dance-offs, everyone in New House comes together to make something that is one of a kind. New House isn’t a building; New House is the people that live and thrive inside it.


    • Many students form cooking groups with friends or simply with people that have similar eating schedules.

    • Some choose to cook independently.

    • Some also choose to have a meal plan. While New House does not have a dining hall, Next House, which does have a dining hall, is only 100 feet away.

    New House
    471-476 Memorial Drive
    Building W70
    Cambridge, MA 02139
    Tel. (617) 253-6561

    For Information about The Numbered Houses, please visit resident-managed websites listed below.  Questions about the community may be directed to Lawson Kosulic via email. 

    Facility Information

    Yes (Chocolate City all-male, Juniper all-female)
    Room Types
    Singles (46%) $7,498
    Doubles (54%) $6,807
    Room Cost per Semester
    $7,498 - $6,807
    $40-100 (depending on the specific house)
    Dining Program
    Cook-for-Yourself Community
    Air Conditioning
    Shuttle Stop
    Pets Allowed
    no pets (except fish)
    Style of Building
    suite/corridor style

      From the Residents

      Video, photos and quotes from real MIT residents.