Malvina Lampietti
After graduating from Barnard College and receiving a master’s degree from Princeton University, I practiced architecture in New York City for 10 years. Since moving to Boston in 1999, John and I cofounded LFA, where we focus on sustainable residential and commercial projects; which reflect the complex interplay of siting, materials and function that contribute to a cohesive design.
As well as being an avid tennis player and gardener, I provide architectural tours of the amazing building that is Baker House. We have two vizlas, Biko and Louie, who love living in the dorm and greeting students. Our adult children work in tech at startups and visit often. As a family, we have lived in Lisbon and Singapore and enjoy traveling, hiking and eating.
Since becoming Heads of House at Baker House in 2015, we continue to enjoy the vibrant and enthusiastic Baker students and Baker community.
Connect with Malvina via email at malvina@mit.edu.